Development of photocatalysts for the conversion of methane to products of high added value coupled to the evolution of hydrogen from water

Co–PI: Estevam V. Spinacé – IPEN –

The main objective of this proposal is to prepare active photocatalysts with different compositions and morphologies based on noble metal nanoparticles (Pt, Au, Pd, Ag) supported on semiconductors (TiO2, ZnO, Ga2O3 ) for the conversion of methane to high added value products (C2 to C6 hydrocarbons, especially C2H6 ethane) coupled to the evolution of hydrogen from water. The final objective is to obtain photocatalysts that present values of quantum efficiencies higher than those currently described in the literature (of the order of 5%).

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UNICAMP - Cidade Universitária "Zeferino Vaz"
Barão Geraldo/Campinas - São Paulo | Brasil
Rua Michel Debrun, s/n, Prédio Amarelo
CEP: 13083-084
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